CHEVERNY NOEL will make your table festive all year long.
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With the HOLIDAY SEASON on the horizon, the JOY of cooking & entertaining for/with friends and family will be challenging to resist!!
SO DON'T....
And make sure you have everything you need to set up a MAGNIFICENT French table.
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After a busy week taking care of family duties and work, let’s slowdown the pace.
Set the table and enjoy quality times and friends and family. Bon week-end
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Using a Nymphea or Ocean white vase as an elegant flower pot for your orchid or your favorite flower plant will add a personal decoration touch to your home.
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The stunning Art Nouveau collection OCEAN designed over a century ago is still look as youthful as ever.
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While planning an intimate dinner or larger gathering with friends, spoil yourself and use your French fancy dishes
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Cheverny is a private castle in the Loire Valley. Set your table with Cheverny green and transform your house into your castle.
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Did you know that French people are obsessed with stripes - les rayures !! Especially on clothes but we also really like them on plates as featured above with LATITUDES BLEU.
This collection feels really nautical and summery.
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